Our experience working with and mobilising grassroots organisations helps us recognise the need for smaller-scale activities conducted by local organisations with the expertise and know-how to generate extremely valuable impact on the ground.
We previously announced launching the Small Grants Program alongside our local partner, the Support Foundation for Civil Society (Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı). As part of the 1st cohort of this program, we are providing GBP 46,350 (approx 150,000 TRY each) to the following 7 civil society organisations:
- AKUT Foundation (AKUT Vakfı)
- Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence (Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği)
- Children First Association (Önce Çocuklar Derneği)
- Equality and Dialogue Association (Eşitlik ve Diyalog Derneği)
- Gea Search Rescue Association (Gea Arama Kurtama Derneği)
- Kırkayak Culture Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür Sanat veDoğa Derneği)
- Kulturhane (Kültürhane Bilim, Sanat, Müşterekler ve Ekolojik Yaşam Dayanışma Derneği)
AKUT Foundation will provide the necessary personal protective equipment and hygiene kits to enhance the safety of its 100 volunteers who are distributing in-kind relief supplies in the affected areas.
Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence will create a space for women in Hatay to receive medical, legal and social counselling, and access clothes, underwear, hygiene products, and food.
Children First Association will provide formula to 50 children, 1 month of diapers to 50 children aged 0- 3, and clothes for 50 children aged 0-12, who were evacuated from earthquake-affected areas to Diyarbakır and living in tents with their families.
Equality and Dialogue Association will provide the survivors in Adıyaman with 6 generators, 7 insulated tents (16m2 each), 30 power banks, and 7 heaters. Hygiene products and toys will also be distributed to women and children.
Gea Search and Rescue Association will provide its search & rescue teams conducting relief work in Iskenderun and Antakya with protective helmets, coats, work shoes, raincoats, and overalls.
Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association will distribute 150 shopping cards to families living in Gaziantep, following a needs analysis based on the association’s existing database.
Kültürhane will provide 150 internally displaced households who arrived in Mersin from earthquake-affected areas with food, hygiene products, and underwear.
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