In line with our updated grant-making strategy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 Children’s Fund focuses on meeting the emerging needs of children during the COVID-19 pandemic period. In this context, institutional development and innovative ideas of CSOs that gives priority to adapt to the changes brought about by the outbreak will be supported.
For 2020 Children’s Fund, the applications for the fund were open between 14 October – 6 November 2020. 60 applications met the technical criteria (geographical distribution as below) and were evaluated by Turkey Mozaik Foundation.
Turkey Mozaik Foundation will provide a total of 237,000 TL to the following 5 grantees:
Association for Young People under State Protection and Foster Families
Turkey Mozaik Foundation Grant: 27,000 TL
Support Foundation for Civil Society Grant: 33,000 TL
Grant Period: December 2020- December 2021
Association for Young People under State Protection and Foster Families (Koruma Altında Yetişen Gençler ve Koruyucu Aile Derneği – KALBEN) aims to strengthen the bond between children and young people under state protection and foster families to ensure they access equal rights and opportunities for those under state protection. KALBEN carries out activities to promote the Foster Family Model in Turkey and provides legal and psycho-social support to foster families before and after the process. KALBEN also works to increase solidarity among young people under protection.
Project Summary:
KALBEN Association will use this grant to strengthen its financial sustainability and organisational development. In line with this objective, KALBEN will work to reorganise and digitalise the structure of the association to make it suitable for remote working and will work on its financial sustainability. A digital archive of the association will also be created and made accessible to all employees in order to create an organisational memory.
Nirengi Association
Nirengi Association (Nirengi) works to prevent abuse, peer bullying, flirt violence with a systematic, holistic and multidisciplinary understanding and to contribute to the solution of these problems with applicable policy recommendations. In this context, a school-based model that includes protection-prevention, notification, intervention and treatment stages is developed with the participation of the relevant stakeholders and applied by the Association against all forms of violence against children and young people. In addition, Nirengi aims to include this model in the national education system in order to achieve a sustainable solution.
Turkey Mozaik Foundation Grant: 75,000 TL
Grant Period: December 2020- December 2021
Project Name: Child Abuse Hotline for Victim Support (İstismar Mağduru Destek Hattı)
The project aims to provide psychosocial and/or legal counselling for the child survivors of abuse and their caregivers. Nirengi plans to establish a hotline for those who want to report an abuse case and request the legal or psychological counselling before and during the legal investigation. Nirengi will appoint a counsellor from the association’s pool of experts to protect the child from secondary trauma and to assist the caregiver in order to carry out a healthy process. With this project, Nirengi aims to support 120 children and caregivers in 8-week sessions for 12 months. Additionally, the association plans to carry out a monitoring and evaluation study for the project by analysing the hotline registration reports, follow-ups and beneficiary satisfaction forms.
Roma Rights Association
Founded in Ankara, Roma Rights Association (Roman Hakları Derneği-ROMHAK) works against inequalities in the policies and in decision-making mechanisms caused by the common discriminatory attitudes and prejudices against Roma people. The association focuses on the access to rights of the Roma children who are most affected by these problems. ROMHAK conducts arts, education, drama, social cohesion and music workshops in different regions to empower children and develop families’ capacities. The association aims to support children in order to gradually increase their participation in formal education.
Grant Amount (jointly with Support Foundation for Civil Society)
Turkey Mozaik Foundation Grant: 25,000 TL
Support Foundation for Civil Society Grant: 47,000 TL
Grant Period: December 2020- December 2021
Dream House Project (Hayalev)
HayalEv Child Centre was established in 2018 in Ankara Kale neighbourhood with the partnership of Lawyers Working in the Field of Children’s Rights (Çocuk Alanında Çalışan Avukatlar-ÇAÇAv) Youth Network. The Centre aims to ensure that children at risk and those who are exposed to discrimination access their basic rights, to encourage school attendance and to support their social inclusion. HayalEv Child Centre offers various activities and workshops to provide psychosocial support and to conduct studies against the violations of children’s rights. During the COVID-19 outbreak, while the violation of children’s rights and the inequalities in participating remote learning has increased, the activities of HayalEv had to come to a halt due to the measures taken regarding the outbreak and the lack of financial resources. The association will use this grant to continue its activities and workshops in Ankara-Kale neighbourhood with Roma children.
Science Heroes Association
Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği) was established by a group of volunteers to implement FIRST LEGO League Challenge and FIRST LEGO League Explore Jr. in Turkey that gives children the opportunity to learn about science at an early age. The main mission of the association is to promote science and scientific thinking at an early age for children and young people by using innovative methods. The association works to overcome several problems such as the lack of high-quality education and technological infrastructure, the lack of role models in the scientific fields, or the inadequate introduction of existing role models, the common belief that science and mathematics are difficult, and the stereotype that science, technology or mechanical works should often be done by men.
Grant Amount (jointly with Support Foundation for Civil Society)
Turkey Mozaik Foundation Grant: 27,000 TL
Support Foundation for Civil Society Grant: 30,000 TL
Grant Period: December 2020- December 2021
Girls Meet With Science project Phase III (Kızlar Bilimle Buluşuyor Projesi 3. Faz) (Follow-up Project)
Girls Meet With Science project has been supported by the Support Foundation for Civil Society and the Turkey Mozaik Foundation since its inception in 2018. The project, now in its third phase, aims to continue supporting 20 girls teams from different cities in Turkey as part of FIRST LEGO League Jr (Bilim Kahramanları Buluşuyor) which gives children, aged between 6-10, the opportunity to gain science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) skills and experience in coding, project development, teamwork and presentation. In the context of this project, 20 all-girl teams and their coaches (teachers) from public schools that do not have the opportunity to participate in such STEM projects will be supported to realise a STEM project and participate in the science fairs. In this way, public schools will be provided with equal opportunities and girls will be encouraged to participate in scientific activities. Additionally, Science Heroes Association will carry out an evaluation study on the impact of the project with the cooperation of the Bahçeşehir University STEM Centre (BAUSTEM).
We Care Association
We Care Association was established to ensure the social and cultural development of children at risk and to support their psychosocial well-being. The association aims to determine the needs in these areas, to produce scientific research and development projects and to design preventive solutions for the areas of need by organising training and awareness-raising activities. In this context, the association designs games and toys and for children at risk between the ages of 0-6 to support their self-awareness, psychological development and interaction with their environment. It also develops educational manuals and conducts training that enables adults to successfully communicate with these products and children at risk.
Grant Amount (jointly with Support Foundation for Civil Society)
Turkey Mozaik Foundation Grant: 66,000 TL
Support Foundation for Civil Society Grant: 9,000 TL
Grant Period: December 2020- December 2021
Grant Summary
Within the scope of this core grant, We Care Association will work to strengthen its organisational structure. The Association aims to ensure the sustainability of its work, to develop new collaborations and strengthen its infrastructure to support the organizations’ fundraising capacity. To achieve these objectives, the association will use this grant to employ two people. One of the employees will be responsible for the organisation’s administrative work and the communication of projects, and the second employee will focus on carrying out the ongoing projects.