Update on our response to the new stray animal law in Türkiye

We would like to let our donors and supporters know that we have been closely following recent developments regarding the amendment to Türkiye’s Animal Protection Law.

The new law, passed in July, calls for the collection and removal of stray dogs, which are estimated to number around 4 million. With only 105,000 shelter spaces available across the country, it’s feared that this will lead to overcrowding, inadequate conditions, and potentially the loss of many animals’ lives.

During this period, as an organisation committed to supporting humane solutions, we have been in contact with animal rights organisations, activists, and experts to understand the best course of action. We have gained valuable insight into the situation on the ground and potential ways to support stray animals and those who care for them.

We’ll be sharing our approach and plans for addressing this issue with our community soon. Please stay tuned for updates.