Category: News

Announcing Turkey Mozaik Foundation’s Dinner at the Library on June 9th

As Turkey Mozaik Foundation's journey of learning and inspiration continues, there couldn't be a better venue than the iconic British Library for our 2022 Annual Meeting and Dinner. Please join...

Upcoming event: You are invited to an evening of drinks and learning on May 18th

Turkey Mozaik Foundation invites you to an evening of drinks and learning about Turkey Wildfire Relief and Mitigation Fund which was launched in cooperation with the Support Foundation for Civil Society following...

Open Space Association: Deep poverty is a human rights violation

Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) received a grant from our Institutional Fund in 2021 to strengthen its advocacy capacity. The Association will...

TPD İzmir Branch provided psychological support to 2,315 earthquake survivors

Turkish Psychologists Association İzmir Branch (Türk Psikologları Derneği İzmir Şubesi - TPD) received a grant from our İzmir Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund, and provided psychological support to 2,315 earthquake survivors...

FİSA’s guide will support local governments in protecting children’s rights

Idea and Arts Workshop Association (Fikir ve Sanat Atölyesi Derneği-FİSA) received a grant from our Children's Fund to support local governments in fulfilling the fundamental rights and freedoms of children...

Yuva Association will organise Climate and Nature Literacy trainings

Yuva Association (YUVA) received a grant from our Turkey Wildfire Relief and Mitigation Fund in 2021 to raise awareness about natural disasters caused by climate change, along with the measures and...

Civil Pages published the Civil Society and Earthquake report

Civil Society and Media Studies Association (Civil Pages – Sivil Toplum ve Medya Çalışmaları Derneği) received a grant from our Izmir Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund to monitor and evaluate the activities of the...

Soil for Life Association completed its digital transformation activities

The Soil for Life Association (Yaşam İçin Toprak Derneği) received a grant and capacity development support from our Digital Transformation Fund for Environmental Sustainability in 2021 to conduct digital transformation...

AKUT distributed food and hygiene packages to 254 families affected by the earthquake

Search and Rescue Association (Arama Kurtarma Derneği-AKUT) received a grant from our Izmir Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund in 2020 to purchase key equipment for search and rescue operations, and to provide aid packages...

Quincentennial Foundation is developing a 3D version of the Museum of Turkish Jews

The Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews (500. Yıl Vakfı Türk Musevileri Müzesi) is one of our grantees from the Culture & Arts Fund 2021. The Foundation is implementing the...