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Make a Donation

Your donations help us support Turkey’s civil society and create positive social change.


Donate with Paypal

It is easy to make one-off or periodic (weekly, monthly, etc.) donations with your Paypal account or Credit Card/Direct Debit Card.


Donate with JustGiving

You can make your donation with Justgiving. Simply click and visit our Justgiving Page to make your single or monthly donation.


Donate by Bank Transfer

You can also make your donation by Bank Transfer. Please find our bank account details below.

Bank Name: Natwest
Account Name: Turkey Mozaik Foundation
Account Number: 28712617
Sort Code: 50-21-01

Fundraise for Turkey Mozaik Foundation


Set up a Justgiving campaign

JustGiving is a website that makes it easy to raise funds online. In just a few minutes you can create your own online campaign, share it with your friends and family, and start fundraising.

Host a fundraising event

You can empower change by hosting a fundraising event. It’s a powerful way to gather your circle – friends, family, colleagues – all rallying around a cause you’re passionate about.

Take on a sports challenge

Sporting activities are an excellent way to raise funds for Turkey Mozaik Foundation. Please click below for a selection of upcoming events and their registration links.

Corporate Support

Engage your business for impactful social change

We believe in the power of collective action. By joining forces, businesses play a crucial role in empowering civil society organisations in Türkiye and drive positive social change.

Turkey Mozaik Foundation - About Us

The donor hereby accepts and guarantees that they provided us with relevant and accurate information and that they are not a member of a criminal organization nor is participating in criminal activity and that their sole purpose is making a gracious donation. We disclaim any accountability or liability arising from the act(s) or omission(s) of any donor whether or not there is a correlation between the act or omission and the donation we received. Donors hereby acknowledge and accept that Turkey Mozaik Foundation and any of its representatives cannot be held liable under any circumstances.