Culture & Arts Fund aims to support the projects and organisational development of culture and arts organisations and CSOs that use culture and arts-related activities as a means to improve cultural rights, participation in public life and social cohesion. The Fund was launched in 2019 in partnership with the Support Foundation for Civil Society.
In the 2022 period of the Fund, a total of TRY 495,300 will be allocated to 4 civil society organisations. Below you can find the information on the grantee organisations:
Dem Association (Dem Derneği):
Aiming to form areas of dialogue between the hearing society and the non-hearing society without creating the feeling of pity, Dem Association works to produce solutions collectively. The association works for the dissemination of the Turkish Sign Language through its social initiative bukalemun.co, where the trainings of this language are digitalised, and for ensuring the employment of deaf and hearing-impaired people. With the grant support of 128,000 TRY, the association will continue its project “Koşar Adım Alt Yazıya” (#koşaradımaltyazıya) to raise awareness and produce data about detailed subtitling, increase the number and visibility of good examples, and strengthen communication with potential collaborators.
Kırkayak Culture Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür Sanat ve Doğa Derneği – Kırkayak Kültür):
Established in Gaziantep, Kırkayak Kültür aims to create and increase contact among groups and individuals with different socio-economic conditions, in order to contribute to social cohesion and a culture of coexistence. The association, which also aims to increase social development, promote democratic values and create culturally rich living conditions, works with disadvantaged groups, refugees and migrants. With the institutional grant support of 124,800 TRY, Kırkayak Kültür will cover its human resources expenses and improve the capacity of its culture and arts programmes.
Theatre Cooperative (Tiyatro Kooperatifi):
Theatre Cooperative aims to represent the collective voice of private theatres, find permanent legal solutions to sectoral problems, and improve and professionalise all production and implementation processes in the sector. Theatre Cooperative provides guidance to improve the capacity of its members economically, legally, socially, and academically, and organises projects, campaigns, training, webinars, seminars, and workshops. With the grant support of 125,500 TRY, Theatre Cooperative will implement the Accessibility of Theatres project to make private theatre venues and activities more accessible and inclusive and to prepare the ground for the active participation of individuals with disabilities in culture and arts. Within the project, the Everything Accessible (Erişilebilir Her Şey) social initiative will provide a five-hour theatre accessibility, awareness and communication trainings to the management teams and field staff of nine theatres that are partners of the Cooperative. For six theatre venues, a physical accessibility report will be prepared. In addition, an accessibility checklist will be published for the use of all theatres in Turkey.
Troya Culture Association – CABININ Çanakkale Biennial Initiative (Troya Kültür Derneği – Çanakkale Bienali İnisiyatifi CABININ):
Operating in Çanakkale, CABININ aims to bring together different segments of society with contemporary art, to increase the participation and productivity of disadvantaged groups in social life through art-oriented activities and trainings, to promote the unique, historical, natural and cultural values of Çanakkale on an international scale, and to create international communication and cooperation networks for this purpose. With the grant support of 117,000 TRY, CABININ will implement the Çanakkale Cultural Actors Network project. CABININ will bring together cultural actors, experts and culture and arts initiatives living and working in Çanakkale and will create a network that will increase communication and cooperation between these groups. Meetings and interviews will be held to identify commonalities and differences between the approaches, working areas, needs and productions of these groups. Following the feasibility studies, a functional communication and cooperation map of the cultural ecosystem in Çanakkale will be created through meetings with wider participation.