INSEV’s Impact: Bridging Gaps in Health and Education After the Earthquakes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Human Health and Education Foundation (Insan Sağlığı ve Eğitim Vakfı – INSEV) works to improve health and education in socio-economically disadvantaged urban areas. Through community centres, research, training, and public awareness efforts, INSEV collaborates with local governments, institutions, and civil society organisations to provide essential services, particularly for children and women. Following the 2023 earthquakes, INSEV has expanded its work to affected areas, supporting affected communities through vital health and education initiatives and ensuring access to critical services.

Read the following interview to learn more about their ongoing work and the evolving needs in the region.

You’ve been working actively in the earthquake-affected region for a while. How have the challenges in your field of work in the region changed over time?

With your grant support, we started working in the earthquake zone in June 2023 – first as a mobile unit and later by establishing a permanent centre in a container area in Defne, Hatay. Being on the ground has given us a clear view of how the region’s problems have evolved.

While efforts have been made to address housing, healthcare, and education needs, these solutions often bring new challenges. The health risks from ongoing demolitions, the environmental damage caused by cement plants built for permanent housing, the dangers posed by heavy construction trucks, and the destruction of green spaces due to zoning decisions all create additional difficulties for local communities.

At the same time, women and children face increasingly complex problems, yet support mechanisms remain scarce. Without targeted solutions, these challenges only deepen over time.

What impact do you anticipate from the Hatay Lemon Tree Children’s Counselling Centre, which was launched with this grant support? 

During our previous project, we worked in neighbourhoods and schools for a year and saw a critical need for individual support systems for children and parents. With this in mind, and with the support of Turkey Mozaik Foundation and the Support Foundation for Civil Society (STDV), we launched the Hatay Lemon Tree Children’s Counselling Centre.

Mental health services in the region are almost non-existent. To fill this gap, we created a school-based counselling centre where children struggling with trauma, behavioural difficulties, and adaptation issues can receive therapy and guidance. Our goal is to help them and their families recover faster and more effectively.

This model brings together children, parents, teachers, and schools in a holistic approach. We hope to expand it to other regions in the future.

You are collaborating with local and provincial education authorities on this project. How important is this partnership for long-term impact?

At the start of the project, we signed a protocol with the Hatay Provincial Directorate of National Education. Working closely with local education officials and providing teacher training has made a significant difference in helping children return to learning.

Through this collaboration, we’ve reached many children and indirectly supported their families. We believe this partnership will play a key role in helping the community recover in the long run.

Do you think this project will influence your future goals and activities?

Absolutely. Every project we implement opens new perspectives and opportunities. This initiative has laid a foundation for psychological support and recovery work. The lessons we learn here will shape our future projects and guide us in developing more effective solutions.

Do you have a message for the donors supporting this fund?

As we approach the second anniversary of the earthquake, Antakya – once a city of rich cultural heritage – remains forgotten and left behind. The challenges here have become even more complex, forcing many residents to leave. Yet, many still hold on to their roots, unwilling to abandon their homeland.

In such times, every contribution from donors is a lifeline, keeping hope alive for the local community. While many funds focus on more popular topics, your support for the earthquake-affected region is invaluable. On behalf of the local community and our organisation, we extend our deepest gratitude.

Thank you for standing with us. Thank you for being here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]