Institutional Fund
The Institutional Fund aims to strengthen the organisational core capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) by covering costs such as rent, human resources, expert support, and travel. It includes a capacity-building component that provides mentoring to improve resource development, financial sustainability, impact measurement, monitoring and evaluation, internal and external communications, and stakeholder relations and advocacy activities.
Please find more information about the fund’s grantees below:

Collective Coordination Association (Kolektif Koordinasyon Derneği)
Collective Coordination Association, based in Adana, focuses on developing sustainable solutions to increase the resilience and well-being of communities affected by disasters. With the grant support, the association will carry out activities to enhance its resource diversity and financial sustainability. The grant support will be used to employ a full-time General Coordinator, and a Communication Officer, and cover administrative expenses.

Yeniden Antakya Platform Association (Yeniden Antakya Platformu Derneği-YAP)
YAP works to preserve and revitalise Hatay’s cultural, social, and economic structure. With the grant support, YAP will strengthen its project management capacity. The grant support will be used to hire two employees, receive accounting services, and cover the communication expenses related to these activities.

We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği)
We Need to Talk Association is working to increase the accessibility, quality and sustainability of period products in Türkiye, and raise awareness about period poverty and menstruation stigma. With the grant support, the association will work to establish partnerships, strengthen volunteer networks, develop a volunteering strategy, and open an office in Adana for collaboration with local CSOs. The association will hire two full-time employees and cover administrative expenses.

Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği-MEDAK)
MEDAK supports medical personnel in providing active field services in disasters and humanitarian crises and equips them with the necessary training for emergencies. With the grant support, MEDAK will work to increase the diversity of its resources and ensure the financial sustainability of the association. The funding will be used to employ a full-time Finance Officer and cover administrative expenses.

Ali Ismail Korkmaz Foundation (Ali İsmail Korkmaz Vakfı-ALIKEV)
ALIKEV is working to help young people become unbiased, conflict-free, equitable, and social individuals by participating in social activities. With this grant support, ALIKEV will work to increase its resource diversity to ensure its financial sustainability. The grant support will be used to employ a full-time Resource Development Officer and cover the association’s administrative expenses.

Solidarity People Association (Dayanışma İnsanları Derneği)
Solidarity People Association, based in Adıyaman, works to promote the participation of young people and vulnerable groups in development and the creation of a resilient civil society, particularly in the face of disasters. With the grant support, the association will work on preparing policy documents, establishing an organisational chart, and implementing a monitoring and evaluation system.

Hatay Symphony Orchestra Culture and Art Association (Hatay Senfoni Orkestrası Kültür ve Sanat Derneği)
Hatay Symphony Orchestra is dedicated to transforming the culture and art scene in Hatay and its surroundings through concerts, projects, and educational workshops. With the grant support, the association will work to diversify its resources and ensure financial sustainability. To achieve this goal, two full-time employees will be hired and administrative costs will be covered.

Roots & Shoots Turkey (Kökler ve Filizler Derneği)
Roots & Shoots, a global programme for children and young people, organises meetings, workshops, and events to contribute to improving the knowledge and skills of children and young people in the areas they need. The association also works on the awareness of children’s rights to prevent bullying, violation of privacy, commercial exploitation and tokenism that children and young people are exposed to. The association, which carries out activities involving young people for the continuation of life and diversity on Earth, opens spaces for children and young people on issues and social problems that they want to create change and works for the effective participation of these groups.

Research Association for Democracy, Peace, and Alternative Politics (Demokrasi, Barış ve Alternatif Politikalar Araştırma Derneği-DEMOS)
Established in Ankara, DEMOS conducts research, analyses, and translations around peace studies from a gender perspective. At the same time, engages in critical and accessible knowledge production for and with rights subjects, as well as organisations, activists and researchers involved in the struggle for societal peace. DEMOS shares this knowledge through print and digital media, podcasts, conferences, workshops, and seminars.

Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği-MEDAK)
MEDAK aims to provide the coordination required for trained medical personnel to provide active field service in and around the ground zero of disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, major accidents, civil disturbances, and rural search and rescue situations, and to provide them with the necessary training for self-sustaining and life-saving tasks in emergencies. MEDAK also aims to mediate the access of vulnerable groups to the right to health in non-emergency situations and works for women and children to access health services more easily through digital means.

Civil Society and Media Studies Association-Civil Pages (Sivil Toplum ve Medya Çalışmaları Derneği-Sivil Sayfalar)
Civil Pages aims to make the experiences and work of civil society organisations in Turkey more visible to the public authorities, media, and other CSOs through civil society journalism. Civil Pages provides a platform to CSOs where they can start or participate in discussions, share ideas and express their opinions.

Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Derneği (Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Derneği)
Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association works to meet the daily needs of the homeless by providing basic humanitarian aid to ensure their recovery and integration into society. The association also aims to raise awareness on this topic using an approach where no one is left behind.

Green Thought Association (Yeşil Düşünce Derneği)
Green Thought Association bases its work on the climate crisis and works to promote green policies. The association works on climate change and renewable energy, green economy, ecological sustainability, democracy and media and social justice. It also organises a green strategy camp every year.

Open Space Association (Açık Alan Derneği)
Open Space Association works in the fields of socio-cultural empowerment and poverty, by organising workshops and training programs with a rights-based perspective, especially for Roma children, youth, and women, and conducting field research to carry out advocacy activities on eliminating poverty. The Association established the Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Agı, DYA) in March 2020, to combat extreme poverty, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

History Foundation (Tarih Vakfı)
History Foundation (Tarih Vakfı) was established to develop and raise awareness of Turkish history. It develops content that will enrich people’s perception of history and help protect cultural heritage in a participatory way. It preserves scientific integrity; and remains impartial to any religious, ethnic, gender bias, misogyny, while maintaining mutual respect and friendship among people from different countries.

Earth Association (Yeryüzü Derneği)
Earth Association (Yeryüzü Derneği) is an ecologist movement working in the fields of climate change, ecological movements, community-based ecological solutions, and rural sustainability. Earth Association aims to create a sustainable, ecologic, and convivial society through educational workshops. The association is known for its Urban Gardens Project all around Istanbul.

İmece Initiative Association (İmece İnisiyatifi Derneği – İmece)
İmece Initiative Association (İmece İnisiyatifi Derneği – İmece) works with Syrian Dom women and children – one of the most disadvantaged refugee groups- asylum seekers at the center of its activities to ensure access to education opportunities and basic needs as well as diversification of livelihoods. İmece Village (İmece Köy) which is an ecological village built for enhancing the livelihoods of refugee women and children provides an environment in which different programmes and activities targeting refugees are implemented by a group of volunteers.

Istanbul Foundation for People with Mental Disabilities (İstanbul Zihinsel Engelliler için Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı-İZEV)
Istanbul Foundation for People with Mental Disabilities (IZEV) supports the education, employment and individualisation of mentally disabled children, young people and adults in all areas of life. İZEV Independent Living House (İZEV Bağımsız Yaşam Evi), which prepares young people with mental disabilities for life after graduation, supports their individualisation and socialisation. The Down Town Event Cafe, which was set up for the employment of mentally disabled young people, enables them to work actively, to be employed and to develop their leadership skills.

Village Schools Exchange Network
(Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı)
Village Schools Exchange Network (KODA) is a newly founded charity in Istanbul that focuses on increasing the quality of education in rural Turkey. Through their core programs, they provide support to teachers and students for the advancement of quality education in formal school systems. KODA is implementing a series of workshops designed for children on issues of space, universe, astronomy, visual arts, cultural diversity, geography and architecture, emotional awareness, underwater life and general life culture in Muş province.

Flying Broom Women’s Association (Uçan Süpürge)
Flying Broom Women’s Association was founded in 1996. The association strives to create change in which women are empowered, gender equality is provided in all areas of life, and that they have a fair world for all. Recently the association’s focus and expertise has been on the issue of child brides and forced marriages in Turkey.

(Black Box)
Karakutu introduces different perspectives and alternative narratives about the past to the youth. The “Memory Journey Program” helps young people explore and question the injustices against the historically marginalised groups, based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or political view, with the ultimate aim of promoting justice and peace in the society.

The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (TOFD)
TOFD’s (Türkiye Omurilik Felçilieri Derneği) mission is to produce solutions in public areas concerning insufficient rehabilitation and environmental conditions that deters disabled citizens to participate in social life. Our funding supports “I Can Access” (Erisebilirim) project which aims to raise architecture and civil engineering students’ awareness for barrier-free designs for the disabled.

Yuva Association
(Yuva Derneği)
Yuva Association leads an Earth Citizenship Program that is designed to encourage activism and sense of responsibility for the community through educational and advocacy trainings. Our funding supports the expansion of the “Ecological literacy” project that has already fostered thousands of young and adult environmental ambassadors across 17 cities in Turkey since 2013.

Turkish Psychologists Association
(Türk Psikologlar Derneği)
TPD is a professional organisation established in 1996. TPD provides psychological rehabilitation and support programs to the communities affected by natural disasters (first during the Marmara Earthquake in 1999, Soma disaster) and other traumatic events (Suruc and Ankara bombings). The association also organises workshops aimed at the profession; focusing on the needs of children and women affected by violence, disabled persons and their families, and marginalised populations.

We Are Coding
“We are coding” aims to improve information technology literacy in Turkey through programs targeted for the youth. They provide training courses and internship opportunities for disadvantaged university students and new graduates to build their IT/coding skills and prepare them for the job market.