Supporting Children’s Rights in Türkiye: Three New Grants from the Children’s Fund

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are excited to announce the newest grants from our Children’s Fund, supporting three civil society organisations working tirelessly to advance children’s rights in Türkiye! 

This year’s call for applications, shared through our local partner, the Support Foundation for Civil Society (Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı – STDV), prioritised addressing child poverty and its effects on children’s lives. With a focus on driving systemic change, the fund aimed to award initiatives that create sustainable, long-term solutions, rather than solely addressing the immediate challenges faced by children living in poverty. 

From 94 applications across 36 cities, three organisations were selected to receive funding for the 2024-25 period. A total of £47,400 (2,100,000 TL) will be granted, thanks to the collaboration between Turkey Mozaik Foundation, STDV, and the Red Kite (Kırmızı Uçurtma) Giving Circle. Turkey Mozaik Foundation contributed £31,500 to this funding cycle.

Please see below for information on our new grantee partners and their projects:

Local Development Association (Yerelden Kalkınma Derneği)

Based in Şanlıurfa, the Local Development Association focuses on improving the quality of life and fostering pluralist democracy by addressing local and regional challenges. The association prioritises holistic development, including economic, social, cultural, and environmental sustainability, with a special focus on supporting disadvantaged children, particularly those from seasonal agricultural worker families. 

With grant support, the association will implement the next phase of its “A New Education Model for Seasonal Agricultural Worker Students” project, the initial phase of which was also supported by a grant from our Meltem Göçer Fund. The project will deliver an accelerated curriculum to 60 primary school students, enabling them to catch up on lessons missed during their time away from school. Alongside the academic support, social and cultural activities such as museum visits and outdoor reading events will enrich the children’s learning experience, while exam preparation materials will help enhance their educational outcomes. The project will also provide teacher training to equip educators better to address the specific needs of these students, creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

SAHADAYIZ Association for Justice and Rights in Sports (SAHADAYIZ Sporda Adalet ve Haklar için Sahadayız Derneği)

Based in Adıyaman, SAHADAYIZ champions equality, justice, and access to rights in the world of sports, focusing on child protection, gender equality, and migration. The association conducts research, advocates for inclusive and accessible sports spaces, builds solidarity with those facing barriers or discrimination in sports, and fosters collaborations among public, private, and civil society stakeholders. 

With grant support, SAHADAYIZ will empower local governments to address the effects of poverty on children, starting with a pilot project in partnership with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The initiative will provide training for at least 30 municipal staff, including decision-makers and professionals working in sports and social services, to enhance their understanding of child rights, protection, and poverty alleviation. It will also involve empowerment workshops for 100 children aged 7-14, focusing on children’s rights, problem-solving, and resilience. Informational resources will be distributed to 1,000 children and their families to raise awareness about rights and poverty-related issues. By creating a sustainable, child rights-sensitive service model, the project aims to indirectly improve the lives of over 5,000 children.

Sulukule Volunteers Association (Sulukule Gönüllüleri Derneği) (also supported by Dr Hülya Karadoğan Fund)

The Sulukule Volunteers Association was established in 2010 by volunteers working in the Sulukule urban transformation area, as part of the Sulukule Platform. The association aims to create child-friendly spaces with participatory methods, empower children socially and psychologically through rights-based studies in school, develop models with a holistic approach to prevent school dropouts and raise awareness about women’s and children’s rights. 

With grant support, the association will address the effects of child poverty on children’s health and social inclusion. The project will raise awareness about children’s right to nutritious food through a social media campaign and advocacy efforts targeting policymakers and public authorities. To combat social exclusion, it will organise school-based workshops and peer-support activities, fostering stronger connections between children and their educational environment. Additionally, informative workshops for adults will complement these initiatives, creating a supportive network for families and the community. All activities will be closely monitored to ensure a meaningful impact.

We look forward to sharing updates on these impactful projects as they progress. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and stories from the field. Thank you for being part of this journey to create brighter futures for children in Türkiye![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
