Tag: Derin Yoksulluk Ağı

Deep Poverty Network generating valuable data on post-disaster poverty

The Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Ağı - DYA) supported by our Digital Transformation Fund, tracks poverty among families and university students who arrived in Istanbul in the aftermath of...

Mobile Food Bank Project: Providing Vital Support to Families in Deep Poverty

Our Deep Poverty Action Fund was launched in May 2021 to address deep poverty and widening inequalities in Türkiye, which significantly worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund...

Deep Poverty Network will improve its advocacy and monitoring capacity to combat deep poverty

Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Ağı), established by the Open Space Association (Açık Alan Derneği), is receiving grant and capacity development support from our Institutional Fund to improve its advocacy and monitoring...

Deep Poverty Network supports single mothers living in deep poverty

Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Ağı), established by the Open Space Association (Açık Alan Derneği), is receiving grant support from our Donor-Advised Fund to provide 36 women with basic food...