Tag: Digital Transformation Fund

Deep Poverty Network generating valuable data on post-disaster poverty

The Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Ağı - DYA) supported by our Digital Transformation Fund, tracks poverty among families and university students who arrived in Istanbul in the aftermath of...

Bridging the Digital Divide: Yaren Cooperative Empowers Hatay Cooperatives Through Technology

The Yaren Cooperative (Yaren Kooperatif) focuses on rural development and minimising inequalities through sustainable projects, and aims to enhance young people's well-being. The cooperative is receiving a grant from our...

Digital Transformation Fund: Advancing Civil Society’s Digital Capacity

The new term of the Digital Transformation Fund started last week with the launch meeting where our grantees met with each other, learned more about each other’s work, and received...

Announcing the launch of our Digital Transformation Fund

We are pleased to announce an impactful collaboration aimed at supporting the digital transformation of civil society organisations (CSOs). In 2021, we supported 5 CSOs focused on environmental sustainability by...