Category: News

Women of Ravanda Association supports women in gaining economic freedom

The Women of Ravanda Association (Ravandalı Kadınlar Derneği) was established by 32 women from four villages in Kilis to support the economic and social empowerment of women by selling their...

Matters Association supports the social and cultural development of children at risk

Matters Association (Önemsiyoruz Derneği) aims to ensure the social and cultural development of children at risk and support their psychosocial well-being. The association received grant and capacity-development support from our...

Women in Fisheries Society empowers women working in the fishing industry

Women in Fisheries Society (Kadın Balıkçılar Derneği) received a grant from our Environmental Sustainability Fund to strengthen its organisational capacity and ensure the digital transformation of its activities. The association...

Sustainability Steps Association renewed the Environmental Events Platform

Sustainability Steps Association (Sürdürülebilirlik Adımları Derneği-SADE) received a core grant from our Environmental Sustainability Fund to reactivate and further develop the Environmental Events (Çevreci Etkinlikler), an online platform providing information on environment-related activities,...

Green Thought Association promotes green policies in Turkey

Green Thought Association (Yeşil Düşünce Derneği) is receiving a grant and capacity-development support from our Institutional Fund to increase the impact of the association's work in the fields of ecology...

Earth Association imagines an ecological life in a sustainable world

Earth Association (Yeryüzü Derneği), established in 2009, is working in the areas of sustainable life, organic agriculture, green energy, climate change, urban agriculture and rural development. The association received a grant...

Deep Poverty Network supports single mothers living in deep poverty

Deep Poverty Network (Derin Yoksulluk Ağı), established by the Open Space Association (Açık Alan Derneği), is receiving grant support from our Donor-Advised Fund to provide 36 women with basic food...

Roma Rights Association completed Dream House project

Roma Rights Association (Roman Hakları Derneği-ROMHAK) received a grant from our Children's Fund to ensure the sustainability of its Dream House (Hayal Ev) Child Centre, which was established in Ankara's...

Girls Meet Science project’s 4th year promotes girls’ education in STEM

Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği) is receiving grant support from our Meltem Göçer Fund for the fourth phase of its project “Girls Meet Science”, which we have been supporting...

KODA is empowering rural teachers through one-to-one mentoring

Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı-KODA) is receiving grant support from our Donor Advised Fund for its project “Rural Teachers Hand in Hand Program” which aims to empower...