Grantees for the Gender Equality Fund are Announced

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Gender Equality Fund aims to support civil society initiatives that promote women’s rights and gender equality in Turkey through new and innovative projects, campaigns and advocacy activities and institutional development of women’s and LGBTI+ organisations. The Fund was launched in 2019 in partnership with the Support Foundation for Civil Society.

In the 2022 period of the Fund, a total of 462,000 TRY will be allocated to 4 civil society organisations. Below you can find the information on the grantee organisations:
Foundation for Women’s Solidarity (Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı):

Established in Ankara, the Foundation for Women’s Solidarity aims to combat all kinds of violence against women in line with feminist principles and to strengthen and expand women’s solidarity in the face of violence. With the grant support of 130,000 TL, the Foundation will implement the project Strengthening Women’s Solidarity with the Women’s Counselling Centre. With this project, a full-time social worker and a part-time finance officer will be employed for 8 months in the Women’s Counselling Centre, where women who are exposed to violence are provided with direct support.

We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği):

We Need to Talk Association works to combat menstrual poverty and menstrual taboo in Turkey. The association organises trainings and workshops targeting the problem of women’s inability to access comprehensive and accurate information about menstruation as a part of menstrual poverty. With the institutional grant support of 130,000 TL, the association will employ a part-time staff who will be responsible for communication activities and volunteer coordination to increase the association’s operational capacity.

Families and Friends of LGBTI+s Association (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Trans Artı Bireylerin Aileleri ve Yakınları Derneği-LİSTAG):

Aiming to support families whose children or relatives are LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex), the association works to ensure that families accept and love their LGBTI+ children and/or relatives, and LGBTI+s live in dignity and are accepted in society. LISTAG will use the institutional grant support of 130,000 TL to strengthen its financial sustainability. LISTAG will employ a financial and administrative affairs officer and ensure the coordination of its financial and administrative activities.

Mimosa Women’s Association (Mimoza Kadın Derneği):

Established in Mersin, Mimosa Women’s Association works to combat all kinds of violence arising from gender inequality and to raise awareness. The association will use the institutional grant support of 72.000 TL to improve its institutional structure by covering its human resources expenses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
