Grantees for our Gender Equality Fund are announced


We are excited to announce that our Gender Equality Fund is awarding three new grants to support gender equality initiatives in Türkiye!

Our local partner, the Support Foundation for Civil Society (Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı – STDV), shared the fund’s call for proposals, resulting in an impressive 101 applications from 26 cities across Türkiye. For the 2024-25 period, in collaboration with STDV and the One Step Foundation (Bir Adım Var Vakfı), a total of 2,100,000 TL is allocated to the three civil society organisations below. Turkey Mozaik Foundation contributed £15,000 to the fund in this cycle.

  • Association for Women’s Freedom and Equality (Kadına Ozgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği)
  • Gender and Women’s Studies Association (Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Derneği)
  • Çember Civil Initiative Association (Çember Sivil İnisiyatif Derneği)

Association for Women’s Freedom and Equality: Empowering Women in Adana

The Association for Women’s Freedom and Equality (Kadına Ozgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği), founded in Adana, is dedicated to advancing the rights of women and LGBTI+s. Through gender-focused advocacy, monitoring, and social cohesion activities, the association aims to eliminate discrimination and improve access to justice, working closely with local governments, public institutions, and other civil society organisations (CSOs).

With the grant support of 700,000 TL, the association will empower women from seven disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Adana. Seven women will be selected and trained to become community ambassadors for gender equality, leading teams to spread knowledge even to the most remote areas. The project will include visits to local institutions and conclude with a final event designed to foster a ripple effect of empowerment and raise awareness throughout these communities.

Gender and Women’s Studies Association: Strengthening Gender Equality Training

The Gender and Women’s Studies Association (Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Derneği – TOCIKAD), based in Ankara, focuses on research, education, and publications in the field of gender and women’s studies. The association raises awareness of gender equality through educational programs and fosters collaboration among experts. They also work to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and activism by developing gender equality training programs for CSOs.

The grant support of 700,000 TL will support the TOCIKAD Academy: Powerful Steps for Equality project, providing advanced gender equality training to 120 professionals from local governments, unions, political parties, professional chambers, and CSOs across Türkiye. This four-month extensive and tailor-made online training aims to enhance participants’ skills and awareness, promoting sustainable change and improving gender equality within organisations.

Çember Civil Initiative Association: Building a Strong Women’s Network in Adıyaman

Based in Eskişehir, the Çember Civil Initiative Association (Çember Sivil İnisiyatif Derneği) is dedicated to achieving gender equality by empowering women, creating safe spaces, and expanding civil space in line with feminist principles. The association plays a vital role in post-disaster recovery, supporting women’s communities in Adıyaman and researching the impact of women’s interventions.

With the grant support of 700,000 TL, they will launch the Fortuna Women’s Network project to support women’s empowerment in Adıyaman. They will enhance the capacity of municipal employees, bar association members, and local women civil society actors through tailored training and workshops on gender equality and women’s rights. By strengthening these actors, the association aims to create a strong and active local women’s civil society network named after Fortuna, a symbol of female strength from Mount Nemrut.

About Our Gender Equality Fund

Since its launch in 2019, our Gender Equality Fund has been dedicated to supporting projects, campaigns, and advocacy efforts that promote gender equality and women’s rights.

Stay tuned for updates on these exciting projects and their progress. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news. Thanks for your continued support.

