Our Children’s Fund aims to support the projects and organisational development of civil society organisations working to establish children’s access to their basic rights.
The call for applications for the Fund received 47 applications meeting the technical criteria, from 15 cities in Turkey. In the 2022/23 period of the Fund, a total of TRY 544,000 will be allocated, in partnership with the Support Foundation for Civil Society, to 5 civil society organisations. Below you can find the information on the grantee organisations:
Flying Broom Women Communication and Research Association (Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim Araştırma Derneği):
Established in Ankara, Flying Broom Women Communication and Research Association conducts research and studies at the national and international levels on issues such as the right to education, early and forced marriages, and rights-based media literacy in order to make visible the negative effects of gender inequality on the lives of women and girls. With the grant support of TRY 129,000, the association will implement the Girls Can STEM project to contribute to the elimination of gender inequality in science and technology, support girls’ orientation towards positive sciences, and encourage girls to work and produce in science and technology. The association will organise 10 seminars in Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakır and Eskişehir to explain STEM applications to girls and their caregivers. The seminars will reach 250 girls and 250 caregivers. The association will also organise 3 meetings in Ankara and Mardin to bring children together with STEM professionals. A part-time project coordinator will be employed within the scope of the grant.
Kozalak Association (Kozalak Derneği):
Kozalak Association works to ensure that all children, youth and adult learners acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to support sustainable development, spread sustainable lifestyles and develop global citizenship awareness through non-formal and/or formal education methods. With the grant support of TRY 82,000, the association will implement the project Friends of the Earth Connecting with Validebağ, and carry out educational activities in Validebağ Grove in order for children between the ages of 9-12 to access the right to play outdoors. For this purpose, the association will carry out 6-week training activities for children to get to know the habitat of Validebağ Grove closely, to share their experiences with each other and others, and to exhibit the knowledge and skills they have acquired on sustainable living practices. The training programme, which will consist of nature and experience-themed games, will reach 120 children.
Olive Seeds Association (Zeytin Çekirdekleri Derneği):
Olive Seeds Association, established in Balıkesir, focusing on children’s right to access education and arts, is working to provide support to children aged 7-11 who are socio-economically disadvantaged and cannot access quality education and arts. With the grant support of TRY 90,000, the association will continue the Colourful Hours project that it has been implementing since 2019. Within the scope of the project, the association will organise book reading and music workshops and library visits for socio-economically and socio-culturally disadvantaged children.
All Children are Ours Association (Bütün Çocuklar Bizim Derneği):
All Children are Ours Association works to support the education, happiness and healthy development of children and to fight against all kinds of economic, social, legal, psychological, cultural and actual obstacles in this regard. The association provides in-kind support such as clothing, books and school supplies for disadvantaged children, as well as scholarships to support their education. With the grant support of TRY 113,000, the association will implement the project Our Lesson is Bullying. Within the scope of the project, the association will organise various activities for 3rd-grade students in four primary schools in disadvantaged areas of Istanbul to raise awareness about bullying they may face at school. The association will also organise seminars for caregivers and teachers about peer bullying.
Local Development Association (Yerelden Kalkınma Derneği):
Established in Şanlıurfa, the Local Development Association aims at holistic development with the mobilisation of local and regional potential, carries out activities that support economic and social development as well as cultural and environmental sustainability, and promotes and contributes to policy production in these areas. The association develops various projects for disadvantaged children living in Şanlıurfa, especially seasonal agricultural workers. With the grant support of TRY 130,000 from our Meltem Göçer Fund, the association will implement the project a New Education Model for Seasonal Agricultural Worker Students. Within the scope of the project, the association will implement an accelerated education curriculum for 60 agricultural worker students studying at a primary school in the Eyyubiye district of Şanlıurfa and will support the students who have to start this academic year late to close the subject gap. In addition, training will be organised for teachers on how to approach seasonal agricultural worker students.