Our Institutional Fund aims to strengthen and build the organisational core capacity of civil society organisations by covering costs such as rent, human resources, expert support, and travel. The Fund also includes a capacity-building component to provide mentoring focusing on improving resource development and financial sustainability, impact measurement, monitoring and evaluation, internal/external communications, and stakeholder relations and advocacy activities.
In the 2022/23 period of the Fund, a total of TRY 387,000 will be allocated, in partnership with the Support Foundation for Civil Society, to 3 civil society organisations. Below you can find the information on the grantee organisations:
Research Association for Democracy, Peace, and Alternative Politics – DEMOS Research Association (Demokrasi, Barış ve Alternatif Politikalar Araştırma Derneği – DEMOS):
Established in Ankara, DEMOS conducts research, analyses, and translations around peace studies from a gender perspective. At the same time, engages in critical and accessible knowledge production for and with rights subjects, as well as organisations, activists and researchers involved in the struggle for societal peace. DEMOS shares this knowledge through print and digital media, podcasts, conferences, workshops, and seminars. With the grant support of TRY 129,000, the association will work on strengthening its impact measurement capacity. In this context, DEMOS will employ a part-time Impact Evaluation Expert.
Roots & Shoots Turkey (Kökler ve Filizler Derneği):
Roots & Shoots, a global programme for children and young people, organises meetings, workshops, events and trainings to contribute to improving the knowledge and skills of children and young people in the areas they need. The association also works on the awareness of children’s rights to prevent risks such as bullying, violation of privacy, commercial exploitation and tokenism that children and young people are exposed to. At the same time, the association, which carries out activities involving young people for the continuation of life and diversity on Earth, opens spaces for children and young people on issues and social problems that they want to create change and works for the effective participation of these groups. With the grant support of TRY 130,000, the association will carry out activities to increase the diversity of its resources and ensure its financial sustainability. In this context, Roots & Shoots will employ a part-time person responsible for fundraising activities.
Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği – MEDAK):
MEDAK aims to provide the coordination required for trained medical personnel to provide active field service in and around the ground zero of disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, major accidents, civil disturbances, and rural search and rescue situations, and to provide this personnel with the necessary training for self-sustaining and life-saving tasks in emergencies. MEDAK also aims to mediate the access of vulnerable groups to the right to health in non-emergency situations and works for women and children to access health services more easily through digital means. With the grant support of TRY 128,000, MEDAK will carry out activities to increase the diversity of resources and ensure its financial sustainability. In this context, the association will employ a full-time Institutional Capacity Building Consultant.