Grantees for the Regional Recovery Support Program are announced


Thanks to the generous support of our donors for our Kahramanmaras Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund, we are thrilled to announce that our campaign exceeded £3 million from over 17,000 supporters. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who supported our campaign. Your contributions have given us the energy to work harder to generate an even more positive impact on the ground.

We have launched the Regional Recovery Support Program, under the Kahramanmaras Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund, alongside our local partner in Türkiye, the Support Foundation for Civil Society (Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı). The program aims to support civil society organisations’ long-term interventions for the recovery and rehabilitation of the affected regions and the well-being of the earthquake survivors.

The open call for the program received 326 concept note applications from 49 cities across Türkiye, and full applications were requested from 27 of the applicant organisations. Following a careful evaluation and selection process, we are providing £1,6 million to the following 19 civil society organisations:

The projects will focus on restoring livelihoods and employment, access to healthcare and education, providing specialised support (psychosocial, legal, etc.) to improve the well-being of women, youth and children, and meeting ongoing basic needs in earthquake-affected areas and provinces where earthquake-affected people have migrated. With this program, grants awarded by our Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund exceeded £2,5 million.

Stay tuned for more details about the grantees and their projects in the upcoming weeks. The 326 concept note applications asked for a total grant amount above £25 million, which once again made us realise the extraordinary amount of needs within the massive earthquake region. It was an extremely difficult decision to select these 19 organisations among so many other brilliant applications. With more funding, we’ll be able to support more organisations working tirelessly on the ground, so please continue to donate to our campaign. Thank you for your support.

