How to set up a JustGiving fundraising page

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]JustGiving is a website that makes it easy to raise funds online. In just a few minutes you can create your own online campaign, share it with your friends and family, and start fundraising.

Here are some tips on how to create and launch your campaign page:

  1. Go to our JustGiving page: Click here to visit Turkey Mozaik Foundation’s JustGiving page. Here you can see some of our supporters’ campaigns and the comments they have left for us. Click on the “Fundraise For Us” button.
  2. Log in or Sign up for an account: If you already have an account, please log in. If you don’t already have an account or would like to create a new one for your organisation/team, please sign up.
  3. Select type of event: State what type of fundraising you are doing, for example, participating in a sports event, taking on a personal challenge, or celebrating a special day. Or you can choose “Emergency Aid”.
  4. Choose a custom URL: You can customise the web address that JustGiving automatically generates for your fundraising page. This is the link that you will be sharing when asking others to donate to your campaign.
  5. Set a target: Setting an end goal for your campaign will help let your supporters know how much you hope to raise and how much time you have left to reach your goal. This may encourage them to support you. You can edit your page after it has been launched.
  6. Personalise your page: Tell the story of your fundraiser. You can add as much detail as you like so that your supporters will know why they should donate. Use photos and videos to make your campaign page stand out. 
  7. Create and share: Click on “Create your page” and start your campaign. Don’t forget to spread the word and share your campaign with your friends, network, and social media. The more people you reach, the more support your campaign will get.
  8. Add offline donations: If you plan to receive offline donations from your supporters, you can add them to your page manually. This way you can keep track and show your supporters your exact progress.

Remember to continually promote your fundraising campaign continuously by sharing the page and any updates related to your campaign and the cause you are supporting. This will encourage potential donors to support your campaign. 

Don’t forget to thank those who donate to your campaign. JustGiving provides tools to help you send thank-you messages to your supporters.

Please contact us at if you need any support creating your fundraising page. Please also subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and updates about our work. Thank you for your support.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
