Year in Review: 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2022 was a year in which the effects of economic and social crises were deeply felt by all disadvantaged groups and civil society organisations in Turkey and all over the world, even though life started to normalise after the pandemic.

As Turkey Mozaik Foundation, in our fifth year, we continued to be in solidarity with local and rights-based civil society organisations that work with great dedication in all the areas we prioritise.  

Year in Review

In 2022, we raised over GBP 170,000, bringing the total amount raised since our inception in 2018 to over GBP 770,000. In 2022, we distributed over GBP 130,000 to 23 civil society organisations, bringing the total amount of grants to date to over GBP 600,000.

We prioritised the survival of local rights-based civil society organisations by contributing to their organisational development and financial sustainability, and the establishment of dialogue and cooperation among civil stakeholders while considering combating poverty and coexistence as cross-cutting issues. 

Our in-person events started again, and we reconnected with our donors and supporters in 2022. In March, we were proud to participate in the Women of the World (WOW) Festival in Istanbul as one of the Civil Space contributors. For two days, we listened to and watched women share their stories and voices via music, performance, talks and workshops.

In May, in our first in-person event in London, we met with the supporters of our Turkey Wildfire and Mitigation Fund, which was launched thanks to the generous support of our donors following the wildfires of 2021 in Turkey. We shared the great work of our grantees, who provided emergency relief and invested in mid-to-long-term mitigation after the wildfires. 

In June, we hosted our Annual Dinner at the iconic British Library. We shared with the amazing audience highlights from our work in 2021 and the impact we have created since our inception. Our special guest was Hacer Foggo, who joined us to talk about her inspirational work of combating deep poverty in Turkey.

In July, we were in Istanbul for our Study Trip, hosted by our partner, Support Foundation for Civil Society, after a two-year break. For two days, we, along with attending donors, met with civil society experts and some of our current grantees and listened to their inspirational stories. You can get a glimpse of our Study Trip by watching the video here

What next for Turkey Mozaik Foundation in 2023?

As our fifth year is coming to an end, we are more knowledgeable, experienced and confident in fundraising and grant-giving. Looking back, we realise that the last five years have been a challenging but exciting adventure, a community-building experience that has brought together those who wish to support Turkey’s civil society, and an incredible learning experience. 

Despite all the difficulties, we remain stubbornly optimistic. As we enter our 6th year, we know that with your support, we will continue to create even more positive change in our homeland. Thank you to everyone who supported us, shared our excitement, and became part of Turkey Mozaik Foundation’s journey.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
